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Charitable registration number: 844813907RR0001

Processing Your Donations

Lionheart Foundation uses Canada Helps to process our online donations. Canada Helps is a registered charity that processes secure, online donations on behalf of Canada’s 80,000+ registered charitable organizations. When you receive your credit card bill, the payee will appear as “Canada Helps,” but you can be assured that your donation comes to Lionheart Foundation. You will automatically receive your tax receipt according to your settings on Canada Helps.

Paying by Cheque

If you prefer to donate by cheque, please download and print the donation form, make the cheque payable to Lionheart Foundation, and mail it to:
      Lionheart Foundation
2530, 140-4th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3N3
If you donate by cheque you will receive a tax receipt in the mail.

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