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Grace Wong, MSc, RD, CEDS-S

Grace is a Calgary-based registered dietitian.  Her practice focuses on feeding & eating disorders and weight-inclusive nutrition care.  She received her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from the University of British Columbia.  She subsequently pursued her graduate work on the impact of social determinants of health on women, children, and families at the University of Alberta.  Grace has worked in various health care settings including mental health, pediatrics, and Indigenous health.  She is experienced in working with a broad range of eating challenges along with co-existing conditions including complex medical conditions, developmental concerns, mental health conditions, addictions, and trauma.

Grace Wong – Therapies and Treatments

Grace firmly believes in an integrated approach to support eating disorder recovery.  Nutrition often progresses in tandem with therapy during recovery.  She works closely with therapists and physicians to ensure all elements are coordinated.  She values the involvement of families and key relationships in eating disorder recovery.  Grace is also a certified eating disorder specialist and iaedp-approved supervisor.  Besides her clinical practice, she provides training and supervision for health professionals in Canada and overseas.

Grace is immensely grateful for resources made available by the Lionheart Foundation.  It is a great honour to partner with the Lionheart Foundation to provide mental health services for young people in Calgary.

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